Sunday, January 15, 2006

Unfunny Comedians

I've just had a lousy day. So what do I want to do? I wan't to watch some Stand Up and have a little fun. So, I flip on Comedy Central, and I see this comic doing some standup. As soon as I turn it on, he does a little one-liner that makes me chuckle, so I continued watching. Then, I realized that wasn't the comic. That was the host of the show. So, the host makes a few more jokes and then the comic gets on.

The only thing to describe him must have been a 'dot dot dot'. He did a number of things on my list that a comic shouldn't do. Yes, he was funny, but mostly unfunny. What really made me mad was him laughing at his own jokes. As he got to the punch line, he start cracking up, and his eyes were litterally watering. He would completely fail at poker.* It was if someone else had wrote the jokes, he had never read them before, and thought they were funny. He also said 'get it?' at the end of each joke. Now, either he thought we were too stupid to understand that was the punch line, or he's about to get fired and is nervous and wants acceptance from his boss. Anyway, not only was he a bad comic, he was not funny.

It turned by lousy day, into a lousier day.

*So, if any of you have seen the ad for Party, he would need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. My coworked is always downloading these comedy tour videos. I keep expecting to hear something funny, and sometimes I do. But most of the time, it all sucks. Buncha no-talent hacks.