Saturday, December 30, 2006


I absolutely despise blogs. I've never really understood why people come here to rant senselessly to a web of people who really couldn't give a rat's ass what's going on in your life. It's a complete and utter waste of time to blog, and people who do so are a complete and utter waste of life and air.

Honestly, it amazes me that you'll come across a completely personal journal online where people spill their guts to a bunch of strangers, leaving themselves exposed and vulnerable. The internet doesn't give as much anonymity as people would like to think. Even if it did, why in God's name would you take your personal life and spew it onto a random web page for people to laugh at your sorrow and despair? Morons. Nobody gives a crap.

Now I know someone's going to come and talk about how great their blogging community is and how it's helped them get through this and that and how wonderful people are. Piss off. They're kissing your ass in hopes of trying to extract something from you, extorting your vulnerability to their own advantages. Of course, if you're blogging in the first place you're probably too much of a dipshit to understand that. Again, nobody really cares.


Randall L said...

I have a complaint site and blog so a few years ago I earmarked your blog. Ironically I have found that people seldom read blogs to the point that it really matters if you tell them very much. Plus who knows what the truth is. If I show you a picture are you sure its me? Obviously people need to be smart especially youths and women.

Personally the idea of complaining is not healthy for the complainer, however it is often a necessity to resolve a conflict resulting from the abuse or nature of grievance to which a party is complaining about.

Please feel free to visit my blog at or site at One of these days I may get around to pushing my site again.

Anonymous said...

hey your blog design is very nice, neat and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always enjoy browsing your site.

- Joe