Friday, December 29, 2006

Inactive Blogs

What's it been? 10 months since the last post here. Well, good news, myself and newly appointed complainers Doitzel, Sunshine and GoForGoldenJarls will be starting up, as we like to say, the great complaining process.

Now, with the 10 month hiatus, this blog has been inactive. To avoid being hypocritical, that's not what I'm complaining about. The people who registered a blog name here at Blogspot, but have never made one post. There's no system for (as Black Flag says) the process of weeding out. Inactive blogs take the subdomains from blogs that could have been active. TGCD could have been The Superior Complaints Department, or The Collossal Complaints Department, but those were taken. There could have been a few great blogs out there, but their would-be owners decided not to pursue it because a name was taken. If no two people could have the same name, and blogs were people, what if someone else was named Tony Iommi or Bill Clinton in the early 1800's? There would have never been Bill Clinton: and more importantly Tony Iommi. No one is as cool as Tony Iommi.

Those last few sentences might have been a stretch, but I rarely erase things in my rants. There's not that much to complain about here, so I'll cut this complaint short before I ramble.


Anonymous said...

Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

Anonymous said...

Well I to but I about the collection should secure more info then it has.